Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tikal, wowww!

Mike, Ashley, and Scott at Tikal

By Scott Romano

I knew that today was going to be a great day from the moment I stepped out of bed.  Tikal is a magical place that has so much mystery behind it.  Tikal is a hard place to wrap your head around by just looking at the pictures.  You really have to see it to believe it.  There are monkeys all over the place and birds chirping left and right.

Tikal is an amazing place because nobody truly knows how it was built.  There are massive thousand foot tall rock temples that the Mayans built with no modern day machinery.  My favorite part of the day was towards the end when most of the other tourists left and we were able to just sit in peace in the grand plaza.

Our great guides and friends, Luis and Constantino

Looking back on the trip, I cannot believe that two weeks have already passed.  This was an incredible group of students to travel with and I consider myself very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to get close with everyone.  Going to Tikal is a great way to close out the trip and I would not have wanted it any other way.

A group shot in the grand plaza at Tikal

To end the day, we all sat around dinner and kind of reflected on the trip.  I was amazing to hear what everyone’s most impactful moments were and to hear what they enjoyed most about the trip.  For me, Tikal was definitely one of my most favorite parts just due to the whole mystery behind it.  I hope that everybody reading this blog at home has the opportunity to go to Tikal one day and experience it for themselves.

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